Herein we present the first issue of Riga Technical University’s environmental engineering journal “Environment and climate technologies” for the year 2016. The broad range of scientific research articles in this issue indicate the degree to which research on the problems and technological solutions related to environmental pollution and climate change are both interesting and diverse. The research illustrates examples on how environmental and climate technologies are integrated within various scientific spheres and how this area of research is expanding. It becomes more and more critical to determine solutions for these problems in order to reduce both the anthropological impact on the environment and the global warming effect, at the same time evaluating sustainability and the consequences of human activity and the implementation of environmental and climate technologies. Development of a sustainability society is not possible without the advancement of environmental research which is integrated in other scientific sectors to create a system for technological and socio-economic solutions. The sustainability of society is secured by knowledge-based technological innovations and solutions. A great deal of the journal articles are dedicated to environmental and climate-friendly energy technologies from research on the operation of environmental systems to solutions for the reduction of environmentally harmful emissions. Some research analyses European Union Directive and regulations and their implementation, such as solutions related to the energy efficiency directive which looks at the implementation of energy efficiency measures at the energy end-user. I hope each reader will find interesting ideas that will help develop innovation in environmental research in order to heighten the quality of scientific research in all fields.