Assessment of Technical Condition of 2M62 Locomotive Bogie Frames and Bolsters using Acoustic Emission Method
Proceedings of 22nd International Conference “MECHANIKA 2017”
Sergejs Bratarčuks
The non-destructive testing AE method is used widely in the field of transportation. This paper presents a case study of the elements of locomotives. This paper shows the possibility of using the intensity of the appearance of the AE as criterion in assessment of locomotive bogie frames
and bolsters. The research has confirmed possibility of use of dynamic AE criterion for bolsters and bogie frames technical state assessment.
Atslēgas vārdi
Acoustic Emission, Non-destructive testing, bolsters, bogie frames, alfa-criterion.
Bratarčuks, S. Assessment of Technical Condition of 2M62 Locomotive Bogie Frames and Bolsters using Acoustic Emission Method. No: Proceedings of 22nd International Conference “MECHANIKA 2017”, Lietuva, Kaunas, 19.-19. maijs, 2017. Kaunas: 2017, 62.-67.lpp. ISSN 1822-2951.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)