Information Demand Pattern for Teams
Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 2016
Dirk Stamer, Kurt Sandkuhl, Veronika Zeiner

Modern organizations face the challenge of having to manage an increasing amount of information. The resulting information overload leads more and more to problems in decision making with potentially negative economic consequences. Decision-makers and knowledge intensive workers are especially affected. To address this problem, information demand patterns were proposed which capture organizational knowledge about the information demand of single roles. This work extends the concept of information demand patterns from single roles to teams. Using the knowledge intensive field of project management, the paper shows how to apply the concept of information demand patterns for a whole team. The contributions of this work are (1) the methodical approach to develop information demand patterns for teams, (2) an actual information demand pattern for a steering committee in the context of project management, (3) reflections on the differences between role patterns and team patterns.

Atslēgas vārdi
Information logistics; information demand analysis; information demand pattern; team information demand pattern; information overload; project management

Stamer, D., Sandkuhl, K., Zeiner, V. Information Demand Pattern for Teams. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, 2016, No.6, 54.-72.lpp. e-ISSN 2255-9922. Pieejams: doi:10.7250/csimq.2016-6.04

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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