Prof. Arkādijs Borisovs – Distinguished Scientist in Intelligent Computer Technologies
Information Technology and Management Science
Gaļina Kuļešova,
Ludmila Aleksejeva
Arkādijs Borisovs, Professor, Doctor of Technical Science,
Habilitated Doctor of Computer Science, founder of the
Latvian scientific school of decision making theory, fuzzy
information processing methods and intelligent computer
technologies, long-serving scientific editor of the scientific
journal of RTU “Information Technology and Management
Science” passed away on 14 May 2016 at the age of 78.
Atslēgas vārdi
Arkādijs Borisovs
Kuļešova, G., Aleksejeva, L. Prof. Arkādijs Borisovs – Distinguished Scientist in Intelligent Computer Technologies. Information Technology and Management Science, 2016, Vol. 19, 6.-8. lpp. ISSN 2255-9086. e-ISSN 2255-9094.
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English (en)