Python Programming Language as a Tool for Integrated Learning of Robotics in Secondary School
International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society
Sergejs Bratarčuks
Modern education is becoming increasingly focused on the development of interdisciplinary relations. The emergence of disciplines like Robotics in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) require careful study of all components of the curriculum (e.g., physics, computer science, and others). Therefore, it is important to find a technology to help students build bridges between the disciplines. The author uses the Python scripting language as a tool for delivering educational material in all the listed subjects. The results of this article show practical steps to use this and other integration tools
Atslēgas vārdi
Python programming language, Robotics and Automatics, STEM upper secondary curriculum
Bratarčuks, S. Python Programming Language as a Tool for Integrated Learning of Robotics in Secondary School. International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society, 2018, Vol.9, Iss.1, 76.-86.lpp. ISSN 2574-8254. e-ISSN 2574-8270. Pieejams: doi:10.4018/IJSEUS.2018010107
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English (en)