Development of Sensor System for Legacy and Smart Municipal Systems Infrastructure Control
Proceeding of EPE'18 ECCE Europe 2018
Anatolijs Zabašta, Nadežda Kuņicina, Kaspars Kondratjevs, Antons Patļins, Jeļena Čaiko

This work presents the development of a common control paradigm based on wireless sensor networks, which takes into account implementation of LoRa WAN network in Latvia. This work presents a research on creation of smart municipal systems in a local cloud of services that apply SOA and IoT. A broker that applies orchestration services resides on a gateway, which provides adapter and protocols translation functions, and on a tool for wiring together hardware devices. We implemented a MQTT enabled service broker, which deploys data flow programming tool Node-RED for wiring together divergent hardware devices and nodes, and APIs for online services. A case study of the service broker implemented for control of municipal systems in urban environment is presented and discussed in this work.

Atslēgas vārdi
Industrial information systems, Maintenance, Standardization, Wireless sensors

Zabašta, A., Kuņicina, N., Kondratjevs, K., Patļins, A., Čaiko, J. Development of Sensor System for Legacy and Smart Municipal Systems Infrastructure Control. No: Proceeding of EPE'18 ECCE Europe, Latvija, Riga, 18.-20. septembris, 2018. Riga: --, 2018, 1.-6.lpp. ISBN 9789075815290.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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