Nordic Urban Planning Holistic Approach for Extreme Weather
Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-Use: eBook of Abstracts 2017
Nils Kändler, Ivar Annus, Minna Keinänen-Toivola, Jānis Rubulis

In this study urban drainage modelling is coupled with a traditional spatial planning approach to create innovative Extreme Weather Layer (EWL). EWL will be embedded into existing urban general development plan bringing modelling into city planning. One of the effects of climate change on urban areas in Northern Europe is the increase of storm water peak intensities during a rainfall. Current stormwater collection and runoff systems in these areas are not designed to cope with such extreme weather events (EWE). Intense rainfall will cause the urban drainage system to become surcharged and consequently trigger pluvial floods. Many recent studies (e.g. Kluck et al., 2010; Maksimovic et al., 2001) have shown that accurate stormwater inundation models covering both underground structures and overland flow play a crucial role in the process of finding better measures to increase resilience in urban areas. Resilience is one of the key terms to make urban areas more climate proof (Bruijn et al. 2017; Dong et al. 2017). The developed Extreme Weather Layer comprises information how changes in runoff from any plot affect the downhill areas and from the other hand how EWE e.g. floods, affect a plot. For covering the complexity of the real system, surrounding water bodies (ditches, rivers, sea) will be taken into account with all range of threshold conditions. The EWL will enable to have all the interactions and counteractions of water related EWE in one graphical layer, which will give planners solid base to determine the measures for any area to increase resilience and thus alleviate the impact of climate change.

Atslēgas vārdi
urban drainage modelling

Kändler, N., Annus, I., Keinänen-Toivola, M., Rubulis, J. Nordic Urban Planning Holistic Approach for Extreme Weather. No: Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-Use: eBook of Abstracts, Igaunija, Tallinn, 24.-26. oktobris, 2017. Tallinn: 2017, 112.-112.lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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