The aim of this research is to forecast CO2 emissions from consumption of energy in Industry sectors in Thailand. To study, input-output tables based on Thailand for the years 2000 to 2015 are deployed to estimate CO2 emissions, population growth and GDP growth. Moreover, those are also used to anticipate the energy consumption for fifteen years and thirty years ahead. The ARIMAX Model is applied to two sub-models, and the result indicates that Thailand will have 14.3541 % on average higher in CO2 emissions in a fifteen-year period (2016–2030), and 31.1536 % in a thirty-year period (2016–2045). This study hopes to be useful in shaping future national policies and more effective planning. The researcher uses a statistical model called the ARIMAX Model, which is a stationary data model, and is a model that eliminates the problems of autocorrelations, heteroskedasticity, and multicollinearity. Thus, the forecasts will be made with minor error.