Principles of Laser Scanning
Space Research Review 2018
Lauris Goldbergs

Large infrastructure like radio telescopes are subject to the elevation dependent deformations. They experience gravitational deformations as they adjust vertical elevation. To take advantage of modern measurement methods deformations are monitored using accurate geodetic observations with terrestrial laser scanners. Observations consists of high precision point clouds with known point locations, intensity and RGB values. Terrestrial laser scanners are widely used in engineering to document and control deformation and contains geometric data with high sampling density allowing to perform deformation analysis and detect changes of radio telescope focal length.

Atslēgas vārdi
laserscanning, planning

Goldbergs, L. Principles of Laser Scanning. Space Research Review, 2018, Vol.5, 59.-65.lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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