Neuro-Immune Algorithm for Embedded Real-Time Control System in Transport Safety Tasks
Applications of Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 1st International APPIS Conference 2018. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Vol.310
Leonīds Ribickis,
Mihails Gorobecs,
Anatolijs Ļevčenkovs
The paper proposes the solutions for applying the adaptive real-time control algorithms, embedded devices and unmanned aerial vehicles to minimize the risk of collisions in different transport systems. The main goal of the research is to develop the adaptive algorithms for transport control and optimization. The proposed anti-collision system (TACS) is based on artificial immune system concept on the neural network basis with the real-time ability of self-training to detect potentially dangerous states of the system and perform the actions to avoid and prevent crashes caused by collisions of vehicles.
Atslēgas vārdi
Embedded Real-time Algorithms, Neural Networks, Artificial Immune System, Transport Safety
Ribickis, L., Gorobecs, M., Ļevčenkovs, A. Neuro-Immune Algorithm for Embedded Real-Time Control System in Transport Safety Tasks. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2018, Vol. 310, 251.-265.lpp. ISSN 0922-6389. e-ISSN 1879-8314. Pieejams: doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-929-4-251
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)