Classic feedback loop with two contours of control: currents –fast and voltage-slow is widely spread. On one hand it is a well-known approach easy to be analyzed on the other hand it is not sufficient to cover all operation modes range that is required for operation in energy storage applications. PI-regulator of current loop with fixed parameters has similar results for different currents. Voltage loop compensation in case of different operation currents have to be compensated in more sophisticated way. PI-controller of voltage loop is handling well only in limited area of whole current range. Therefore voltage control system has to be designed with dynamically changed coefficients. Therefore a gain scheduling technique is applied. A model with time-variable load has been simulated with gain scheduling feedback loop and compared to control systems with fixed coefficients. The discussion is concluded by following: the current control loop may be designed with fixed coefficients while voltage control loop over the mentioned current control loop suggested being gain-scheduled one. A hardware redesign might take a place to make the control design easier in case of over-sizing of capacitor and inductor as ones are main Q-parameter defining elements. Despites the advances in DSP and control MCU in recent years classic approach and control techniques still not lose their actuality.