Wood Plastic Compostes Adhesive Activity Investigations to Improve the Water Resistance of Birch Plywood
Baltic Polymers Symposium 2019: Programme and Proceedings 2019
Jānis Kajaks, Kārlis Kalniņš, J. Matvejs

Wood plastic composites (WPC) are perspective and widely used material in different branches of industry. One of them is usage of WPCs as coating of plywood. The adhesion problems of the bonding of veneer and plywood are touched in our previous works [1,2]. It was showen that for birch veneer bonding successfully can be used hot melts based on polyethylene and polypropylene. These laminated materials have excellent adhesive strength and water resistance. Specimens endure all the tests which necessary to carry out of plywood [2]. Our investigated composite (industrially produced sheets from PP+45 wt. % PSD) plan to use as the coating of birch plywood but adhesive activity of this adhesive against plywood was not enough. Thereby to improve of the adhesive interaction between the WPC melting component - PP and the plywood surface in the same way as in the bulk of WPC materials the coupling agent MAPP was used (1- 4 wt.%).

Atslēgas vārdi

Kajaks, J., Kalniņš, K., Matvejs, J. Wood Plastic Compostes Adhesive Activity Investigations to Improve the Water Resistance of Birch Plywood. No: Baltic Polymers Symposium 2019: Programme and Proceedings, Lietuva, Viļņa, 18.-20. septembris, 2019. Vilnius: 2019, 108.-108.lpp.

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English (en)
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