Blue Growth Actions in Coastal Municipalities in Latvia
“Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regions and Territories Development ICEREE’2019” organized within 60th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: Book of Abstracts 2019
Edgars Pudzis

The goal of the research is to investigate and to identify effective Blue RIS3 implementation measures and best practices around Baltic Sea and to synthesize the findings in one document. The analysis aims at finding important aspects and conditions for future Blue Growth and RIS3 implementation in Latvia coastal municipalities. Research covered the following Blue Growth sectors - Machinery & Technology, Life Science & Blue Medicine, including SPA and coastal tourism, and Energy. Different Blue Growth measures from Latvia, Estonia, Germany, Sweden and Finland where analysed by using such methods as - logical analyse, expert interviews, SWOT analyses. After analyses of measures in different countries, most suitable perspective) for implementation in Latvia coastal municipalities where identified - Lounaistieto - regional information service operating in Southwest Finland, Centre of excellence in health promotion and rehabilitation as example from Estonia, Pomorskie Smart Specialisation’s (PSSs) Boards and Competence Academy Tourism as example from Sweden. Main conclusions of this research where - success of the Blue Growth concept in every region is highly dependent on the efforts made by local, regional and national authorities, the effectiveness of supporting agencies and the awareness raising for existing and new entrepreneurs. It can be concluded that there is wide range of economic sectors that are affected by Blue Growth and smart specialisation. On the one hand, this can be considered as a positive effect, since, among other benefits, this allows for the industries to develop based on the market demand. On the other hand, lack of focus could lead to too excessive spreading of resources, reducing support for the activities with the greatest socioeconomic return.

Atslēgas vārdi
Coastal areas, Economic development, Blue growth, Coastal municipalities, Strategic development

Pudzis, E. Blue Growth Actions in Coastal Municipalities in Latvia. No: “Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regions and Territories Development ICEREE’2019” organized within 60th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: Book of Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 27.-28. septembris, 2019. Riga: RTU Press, 2019, 36.-37.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-22-369-3.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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