Polypropylene Composites Wear Resistance Properties due to Spelt and Oat Grain Husks Short Fiber Preparation Technology
Proceedings of 10th International Scientific Conference BALTTRIB 2019
Ivans Bočkovs,
Madara Žiganova,
Remo Merijs-Meri,
Jānis Zicāns,
P. Franciszczak,
A.K. Bledzki
This work presents several results of the investigations about mechanical properties and wear resistance of polypropylene based short fibre composites, reinforced with spelt and oat husk fibres. The spelt and oat short fibre material both sieved and unsieved is used to characterise sieving effect on the properties of the end material, analogous to wood polymer composites that already are in use in different applications. The developed composites of polypropylene matrix with and without organoclay powder also are investigated in order to enhance thermal as well as moisture absorbing characteristics and barrier properties. To get more information about wear resistance of such materials and effects of the different components and the fibre preparation technology on wear resistance Taber wear test is applied using CS10 abrasive.
Atslēgas vārdi
wear, Taber, grain husks, density
Bočkovs, I., Žiganova, M., Merijs-Meri, R., Zicāns, J., Franciszczak, P., Bledzki, A. Polypropylene Composites Wear Resistance Properties due to Spelt and Oat Grain Husks Short Fiber Preparation Technology. No: Proceedings of 10th International Scientific Conference BALTTRIB 2019, Lietuva, Kaunas, 14.-16. novembris, 2019. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University, 2019, 81.-86.lpp. ISSN 2424-5089. Pieejams: doi:10.15544/balttrib.2019.02
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)