Synergy Effects in Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Layered Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Composites with Carbon and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2020
Sergejs Gaidukovs, Anda Gromova, Romāns Vaivodišs, Povilas Bertasius, Jan Macutkevic, Juras Banys

Properties of layered composites with carbon nanotube (CNT), GnP, Fe3O4 nanoinclusions, and hybrid composites with these nanoinclusions were investigated in the wide frequency range (from 20 Hz to 2 THz). All investigated composites (except with sin- gle Fe3O4 inclusions) are above percolation threshold. The strong enhancement of microwave and terahertz radiation absorption is observed in hybrid composites in comparison with composites with single inclusions. The synergy effect is discussed in terms of the complex impedance and the distribution of relaxation times. At low temperatures (below 200 K), the electrical conductivity of all hybrid composites follows the tunneling law model and the lowest potential barrier was estimated for composites with CNT inclusions. The best thermal properties are observed for composites with CNT inclusions. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019, 137, 48814.

Atslēgas vārdi
composites; dielectric properties; graphene and fullerenes; nanoparticles; Nanotubes; nanowires and nanocrystals

Gaidukovs, S., Barkāne, A., Vaivodišs, R., Bertasius, P., Macutkevic, J., Banys, J. Synergy Effects in Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Layered Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Composites with Carbon and Fe3O4 Nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2020, Vol. 137, No. 24, Article number 48814. ISSN 0021-8995. e-ISSN 1097-4628. Pieejams: doi:10.1002/app.48814

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English (en)
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