Flexible thermoelectric generators are an emerging trend in the field of waste heat conversion, as well as wearable and autonomous devices. However, the energy conversion efficiency of the state-of-the-art flexible thermoelectric devices is too low for their wide application and commercialization. In this work, n- and p-type multiwalled carbon nanotube-thermoelectric material hybrid networks which may become a promising building blocks for the fabrication of flexible thermoelectric devices are presented. The hybrid networks were fabricated by direct deposition of thermoelectric material (Bi2Se3, Sb2Te3) on the multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) networks using physical vapour deposition technique. Growth mechanisms of Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 on MWCNTs were investigated. Seebeck coefficient and charge transport properties of MWCNT-Bi2Se3 and MWCNT-Sb2Te3 hybrid networks were studied as function of MWCNT wt% in the networks. Variable Range Hopping models were applied for the interpretation of conductance mechanisms in the hybrid networks. The Seebeck coefficients of the MWCNTSb2Te3 and MWCNT-Bi2Se3 hybrid networks with low MWCNT wt% were found to be comparable with the Seebeck coefficients of pure inorganic Sb2Te3 and Bi2Se3 thin films. At the same time, flexibility tests of the MWCNT-Sb2Te3 and MWCNT-Bi2Se3 hybrid networks with MWCNT 50% showed no significant increase in the resistance when they were bent to a radius 5 mm. This makes presented in this work hybrid networks perspective for applications in flexible thermoelectrics as thermoelectric coatings for flexible substrates as well as fillers for polymersbased composites.