With the aim to control and improve the thermo-chemical conversion of straw pellets, the experimental investigations of the DC electric field effect on the combustion dynamics and heat energy production were made. The electric field effect on the gasification/combustion characteristics was studied using three different positions of the positively charged electrode in flame. First, the electrode was positioned coaxially downstream the flame flow. Next, the electrode was positioned coaxially upstream the flame flow and, finally, the electrode was positioned across the downstream flow. The bias voltage of the electrode varied in the range from 0.6 up to 1.8 kV, while the ion current in flame was limited to 5 mA. The results of experimental investigations show that the DC electric field intensifies the thermal decomposition of straw pellets and enhances mixing of volatiles with air causing changes in combustion dynamics and heat energy production, which depend on position and the bias voltage of the electrode. The increase in the average volume fraction of CO2 (by 6 %) and the decrease in the mass fraction of unburned volatiles in the products (CO by 60 % and H2 by 73 %) for the upstream field configuration of the electrode and the ion current 0.5–1.8 mA indicate more complete combustion of volatiles.