Medium Term Outlook for the Latvian Real Estate Industry
Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regions and Territories Development ICEREE’2020”: Organized within 61th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: Book of Abstracts
Ivo Gulbis,
Aivars Gulbis,
Sanda Lapuķe
Real estate industry has had its ups and downs during the last decade, thanks to the financial crisis, property bubbles and now the most recent COVID-19 pandemic. With some evidence that the health crisis seems to be lessening in Latvia and surrounding countries, now would be the time to take a look at the Latvian real estate sector over the last 12 years and determine how well it has managed to recover and what is the medium-term outlook for its further development. At the end of this paper we conclude that, while some regions are recovering faster than others, full recovery is likely several years away and medium-term outlook is not as promising as it should be.
Atslēgas vārdi
Latvia, outlook, prognosis, real estate
Gulbis, I., Gulbis, A., Geipele, S. Medium Term Outlook for the Latvian Real Estate Industry. No: Scientific Problems of Engineering Economics of Construction and Real Estate Management, Regions and Territories Development ICEREE’2020”: Organized within 61th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University: Book of Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 1.-3. oktobris, 2020. Riga: RTU Press, 2020, 10.-10.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-22-511-6.
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English (en)