Exploring the Use of Topic Analysis in Latvian Legal Documents
COUrT 2020: CAiSE for Legal Documents 2020: Proceedings of the First International Workshop "CAiSE for Legal Documents" (COUrT 2020) co-located with the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2690
Rinalds Vīksna,
Mārīte Kirikova,
Daiga Kiopa
The large number of legislative documents produced every day
makes it difficult to follow each and every document. However, it is important
for enterprises to comply with all current legislative acts. In this paper we
demonstrate the application of different topic analysis algorithms and stop word
filtering approaches to the corpus of legal texts of the Republic of Latvia. This
is done for the purpose of supporting the discovery of expressive and meaningful legal topics and marking respective documents according to those topics.
Topic models produced in this work are intended to be used as an aid for experts, enabling faster document browsing possibilities.
Atslēgas vārdi
Topic Analysis, Legal Analysis, Information Retrieval
Vīksna, R., Kirikova, M., Kiopa, D. Exploring the Use of Topic Analysis in Latvian Legal Documents. No: COUrT 2020: CAiSE for Legal Documents 2020: Proceedings of the First International Workshop "CAiSE for Legal Documents" (COUrT 2020) co-located with the 32nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2020). CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol.2690, Francija, Grenoble, 9.-9. jūnijs, 2020. Aachen: RWTH, 2020, 39.-47.lpp. ISSN 1613-0073.
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English (en)