This article belongs to a three-part series dedicated to the simultaneous measurements of thermally stimulated exo-electron emission (TSEE), desorption (TSD) and luminescence (TSL). These works aim is to verify the ability of the applied experimental setup to characterize and analyze at the same time all the three above-mentioned stimulated processes. In agreement with the two preceding publications that deal TSD and TSEE, this article proves the consistency of the results of the individual modes of joint measurements of TSL and TSEE (as well as bulk and surface, the corresponding sources of emission, the recombination processes and their interactions). The whole experimental apparatus was tested using a well-known material, high-purity monocrystalline KBr, in the temperature range ΔT = −196 °C–430 °C (ΔT = 77 K–703 K) and in the chamber with base pressure p < 1 × 10−6 Pa to obtain a better comparison of results. Our in-house developed software for decomposing of the measured curves into the individual components and the subsequent calculation of the corresponding activation energies and frequency factors clearly confirms these results.