Amino Acid Metabolism is Significantly Altered at the Time of Admission in Hospital for Severe COVID-19 Patients: Findings from Longitudinal Targeted Metabolomics Analysis
Microbiology Spectrum 2021
Laura Ansone, Monta Brīvība, Ivars Silamikelis, Anna Terentjeva, Ingus Perkons, Liga Birzniece, Vita Rovite, Ludmila Vīksna, Oksana Kolesova, Kristaps Kļaviņš, Janis Klovins

The heterogeneity in severity and outcome of COVID-19 cases points out the urgent need for early molecular characterization of patients followed by risk-stratified care. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the fluctuations of serum metabolomic profiles of COVID-19 patients with severe illness during the different disease stages in a longitudinal manner. We demonstrate a distinct metabolomic signature in serum samples of 32 hospitalized patients at the acute phase compared to the recovery period, suggesting the tryptophan (tryptophan, kynurenine, and 3-hydroxy-DL-kynurenine) and arginine (citrulline and ornithine) metabolism as contributing pathways in the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 with a potential link to the clinical severity of the disease. In addition, we suggest that glutamine deprivation may further result in inhibited M2 macrophage polarization as a complementary process, and highlight the contribution of phenylalanine and tyrosine in the molecular mechanisms underlying the severe course of the infection. In conclusion, our results provide several functional metabolic markers for disease progression and severe outcome with potential clinical application.

Atslēgas vārdi
metabolomics, COVID-19

Ansone, L., Brīvība, M., Silamikelis, I., Terentjeva, A., Perkons, I., Birzniece, L., Rovite, V., Vīksna, L., Kolesova, O., Kļaviņš, K., Klovins, J. Amino Acid Metabolism is Significantly Altered at the Time of Admission in Hospital for Severe COVID-19 Patients: Findings from Longitudinal Targeted Metabolomics Analysis. Microbiology Spectrum, 2021, Vol. 9, No. 3, Article number e00338-21. ISSN 2165-0497. Pieejams: doi:10.1128/spectrum.00338-21

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English (en)
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