Model-Oriented Control in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Nadežda Kuņicina, Anatolijs Zabašta, Andrejs Romānovs, Jurijs Merkurjevs, Volodymyr Kazymyr, Oleg Novomlynets, Sergey Ivanets, Oleksandr Palagin, Volodymyr Opanasenko

The use of computer models in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) is the main distinguishing feature that ensures their development as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). At the same time, the embedding of computer models into the CPS control loop requires the implementation of a number of technological approaches based on the principles of situational, adaptive and multi-agent control. The paradigm of Model-Oriented Control (MOC) fully implements this approach, based on the use of models for the implementation of control algorithms, predictive models based on temporal logic and state recovery models, which provide a virtual representation of the control object and identification of its state. One of an important moment is the technological base for the implementation of the MOC, which includes tools for creating models of algorithms, embedding logical conditions for their safe execution and building visual models of the synthetic environment of the technological process. The purpose of this e-book is to serve as a textbook for masters and graduate level students in the field of computer engineering during the study of disciplines related to software control, modeling of production conditions and its environment. Also, the material of the book may interest specialists in planning and assessing the quality of the production process, as well as specialists and engineers in the field of creating industrial robots. The e-book includes seven sections, starting with the analysis of the features of the CPS. Further, the theoretical issues related to the construction of models for the implementation of control algorithms based on the modification of Petri nets, forecasting models using one of the varieties of temporal logic and recovery models that provide the creation of virtual images and images of the control object and its environment are sequentially considered. The tools for creating the considered models and their integration into the control loop are also described. Examples of the practical application of the MOC methods in the creation of IMS and planning of their activities are given.

Atslēgas vārdi
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems

Kuņicina, N., Zabašta, A., Romānovs, A., Merkurjevs, J., Kazymyr, V., Novomlynets, O., Ivanets, S., Palagin, O., Opanasenko, V. Model-Oriented Control in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems. Rīga: RTU Izdevniecība, 2021. 251 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-22-674-8.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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