The production of elemental phosphorus is a material- and energy-intensive process, which makes it important to improve the technology in order to maximize savings of raw materials and electricity. At the enterprises of the phosphorus industry of Karatau-Zhambyl TIC (territorial-industrial complex) there is an incomplete use of production capacity, which is due both to organizational reasons, and largely due to the properties of commercial phosphorites of the Karatau basin. The decisive factor is the use of mine phosphate rock fines and waste from Karatau-Zhambyl TIC and phosphate plants, previously sent to the dumps. The system approach to the study of interaction of the chemical enterprise with the environment allowed to present mineral flows in the system, accumulation and transformation of matter in the constituent blocks-systems in a new way, to offer a new methodological approach to the system management based on the analysis of its information content; to reveal contradictions in research, design and management processes of ‘Chemical enterprise-environment’ system (ChE-E).