‘Added-value potential of final product’, ‘Share of textile waste in total waste feedstock’, ‘Diversity of textile mix suitable for specific technology’, ‘Pre-treatment of waste feedstock’, ‘Recovery potential’, and ‘Maturity of a recovery technology’. The weighting of the criteria was determined by eight waste management experts. The results of the expert-based criteria evaluation show that the most important criteria are ‘Added-value potential of final product’ and ‘Circular economy approach of the technology’. The developed decision-making methodology has been adapted to nine textile waste recovered products – compost, refuse-derived fuel, ethanol, glucose, building insulation material from cement and textile waste mix, building insulation material from denim textile waste, terephthalic acid, recovered cotton and recovered polyester. The multi-criteria, decision-making ranking of the products textile shows that the highest potential for products recovered from textile waste is for glucose and terephthalic acid, while the lowest – for ethanol, compost and refuse-derived fuel.