The article is about Khaim Borisovich Kordonsky (Tula, Russia, 1919 - Boston, USA, 1999) - Soviet mathematician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at the Riga Red Banner Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers; specialist in the field of probability and reliability theory, leader of the development of the first computer system for making aircraft schedules, Honoured Scientist of the Latvian SSR, Laureate of the State Prize of the Latvian SSR. Kordonsky's entire scientific and teaching career is connected with RCIIGA. He is one of the founders of reliability theory and the author of the first monograph on the application of probability theory to solving real-world problems. The book "Applications of Probability Theory in Engineering" was published in 1963 and was reviewed by Academician Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik, the greatest expert in probability theory and mathematical statistics in the USSR. Khaim Borisovich also worked on scientific problems in statistics, medicine and technical diagnostics. He conducted joint research with the Department of Mathematical Statistics of the Faculty of Informatics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, headed by Academician Yuri Vasilievich Prokhorov, and collaborated with Academician A. N. Kolmogorov