Experimental Validation of Coherent Joint Transmission in a Distributed-MIMO System with Analog Fronthaul for 6G
2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit 2023)
Rafael Puerta,
Mahdieh Joharifar,
Mengyao Han,
Anders Djupsjöbacka,
Vjačeslavs Bobrovs,
Sergei Popov,
Oskars Ozoliņš,
Xiaodan Pang
The sixth-generation (6G) mobile networks must increase coverage and improve spectral efficiency, especially for cell-edge users. Distributed multiple-input multiple-output (D-MIMO) networks can fulfill these requirements provided that transmission/reception points (TRxPs) of the network can be synchronized with sub-nanosecond precision, however, synchronization with current backhaul and fronthaul digital interfaces is challenging. For 6G new services and scenarios, analog radio-over-fiber (ARoF) is a prospective alternative for future mobile fronthaul where current solutions fall short to fulfill future demands on bandwidth, synchronization, and/or power consumption. This paper presents an experimental validation of coherent joint transmissions (CJTs) in a two TRxPs D-MIMO network where ARoF fronthaul links allow to meet the required level of synchronization. Results show that by means of CJT a combined diversity and power gain of +5 dB is realized in comparison with a single TRxP transmission.
Atslēgas vārdi
6G | analog radio-over-fiber | coherent joint transmission | Distributed-MIMO | fronthaul | IMT-2030 | mobile networks
Puerta, R., Joharifar, M., Han, M., Djupsjöbacka, A., Bobrovs, V., Popov, S., Ozoliņš, O., Pang, X. Experimental Validation of Coherent Joint Transmission in a Distributed-MIMO System with Analog Fronthaul for 6G. No: 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications & 6G Summit (EuCNC/6G Summit 2023), Zviedrija, Gothenburg, 6.-9. jūnijs, 2023. Piscataway: IEEE, 2023, 585.-590.lpp. ISBN 979-8-3503-1103-7. e-ISBN 979-8-3503-1102-0. ISSN 2475-6490. e-ISSN 2575-4912. Pieejams: doi:10.1109/EuCNC/6GSummit58263.2023.10188222
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)