Highly Porous Hybrid Scaffolds for Local Delivery of Non-Antibiotic Antimicrobials
64th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University "Materials Science and Applied Chemistry": Program and Abstracts
Līga Stīpniece,
Dace Rezevska,
Anna Ramata-Stunda,
Juta Kroiča
Antibiotics are considered the most successful treatment option for bacterial infections. However, their effectiveness is reduced due to antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Thus, the choice of antimicrobials is essential to avoid bacterial resistance. Biomaterials with protection against multidrug-resistant bacteria offer a promising approach to preventing infections. Thus, the aim was to obtain multifunctional scaffolds mimicking the microstructure of trabecular bone for local delivery of non-antibiotic antimicrobials – antibacterial metal ions and bacteriophages and for bone regeneration.
Atslēgas vārdi
calcium phosphates, porous bioceramic, antibacterial ions, ion delivery
Stīpniece, L., Rezevska, D., Ramata-Stunda, A., Kroiča, J. Highly Porous Hybrid Scaffolds for Local Delivery of Non-Antibiotic Antimicrobials. No: 64th International Scientific Conference of Riga Technical University "Materials Science and Applied Chemistry": Program and Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 6.-6. oktobris, 2023. Riga: RTU Press, 2023, 23.-23.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)