It is believed that if a company has implemented and certified one of the management systems and obtained certificates, it serves as a proof that the company's processes are managed to ensure the quality of products or services. There are several companies in Latvia that act as service providers in the implementation of Integrated Management Systems in organizations. But it works effectively only in the short term, because if this management strategy is not integrated into the company's culture, then the quality management system gives a short-term effect. Unfortunately, an implemented and certified quality management system does not automatically guarantee the quality of the product, because in this case the terms “compliance” and “quality” cannot be equated. Often, processes are reviewed, and documentation is renewed only at the time of the external audit. The main goal is to obtain a certificate, which in many cases is a customer requirement, such as in a metalworking company. The aim of this paper is to analyze the impact of improvements in the quality management strategy on the operation of the manufacturing company. Research methods such as Delphi method, FMEA analysis, as well as logical analysis are applied. Based on both the theoretical research and a case study of a metal production company, the authors identify the main operational aspects that are affected by the improvement of the quality management strategy in a manufacturing company. © 2023 Proceedings of World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, WMSCI. All rights reserved.