Wind Power Equipment for Small Farms and Households
Agronomy Research 2024
Vitālijs Beresņevičs, Marina Čerpinska, Mārtiņš Irbe, Jānis Vība

This article deals with the development of small-sized wind power equipment as a viable solution for decentralized renewable energy production. To improve operational specifications of conventional turbine models with rotating blades, it is proposed to use a new design of wind power plant synthesized on the base of a closed loop conveyor equipped with flat shaped blades. In this design, blades are mounted on a belt with an opportunity to move together with it in one straight line direction. Air flow interaction with flat blade that performs translation motion is studied by computer simulation using a superposition principle. In accordance with this approach, a fast-chaotic motion of air particles (Brownian motion) is separated from the slow-directed air motion, with the given average velocity. Dynamic analysis of flat blade interaction with air flow is performed for the stationary air flow with constant speed and also for non-stationary flows with wind gusts. Optimization of the system parameters is made using the generated power as a criterion. Simulation results confirm the serviceability and efficient operation of the proposed conveyor type wind power equipment. It can be mounted on the roofs of buildings or rooftops of vehicles, also device is befriended to nature and people.

Atslēgas vārdi
air flow, belt conveyor, computer simulation, flat blade, optimization, power, wind turbine

Beresņevičs, V., Čerpinska, M., Irbe, M., Vība, J. Wind Power Equipment for Small Farms and Households. Agronomy Research, 2024, Vol. 22, No. 1, 356.-369.lpp. ISSN 1406-894X. Pieejams: doi:10.15159/AR.24.041

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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