A Technical and Economic Study of Sustainable Power Generation Backup
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 2024
Andris Backurs, Laila Zemīte, Leo Jansons

This study focuses on overview and general economic viability evaluation of four types of portable electric generators: diesel and petrol internal combustion engines, batteries/accumulators and inverter systems (especially lithium polymer and lithium-ion battery systems), hydrogen fuel cell systems and combination (hybrid) of the latter. It does not include the rarely used, inefficient forms of energy conversion, such as steam turbines, as well as energy generators that are difficult to adjust with consumption and supply variations (variable forms of RES like wind and solar energy). The main targets of the study are battery/inverter systems, hydrogen fuel cell systems, and hybrid battery/inverter and hydrogen fuel cell systems, with hydrogen fuel cell systems being the thematic core.

Atslēgas vārdi
Battery/inverter systems, economic evaluation, electric generators, hydrogen fuel cell systems, NPV

Backurs, A., Zemīte, L., Jansons, L. A Technical and Economic Study of Sustainable Power Generation Backup. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2024, Vol. 61, No. 4, 75.-88.lpp. ISSN 0868-8257. e-ISSN 2255-8896. Pieejams: doi:10.2478/lpts-2024-0029

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English (en)
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