Polylactic Acid/Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Fibrous Material By Needleless One Solvent Electrospinning For Protection Against Tick-Borne Diseases
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, EXPO Proceedings - 2024 2024
Līga Rampāne, Zane Zelča, Chaima Salmi

Ticks (Ixodidae and Argasidae) pose significant health risks as vectors for infectious diseases, with their prevalence expanding across Europe and North America. Ticks employ sophisticated sensory mechanisms, notably utilizing Haller's organs, to locate and sense their hosts. These sensory structures detect various cues, including chemosensation, changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, and radiant heat emitted by potential hosts. Once a host is detected, landing is facilitated by electrostatic attraction, accelerating the precise positioning of the tick for feeding. Reports indicate that ZnO nanoparticles exhibit acaricidal activity. The strong thermal and electrical conductivity of ZnO may effectively impede tick host-seeking mechanisms. This study focuses on fabricating ZnO-containing nanostructured polylactic acid (PLA) fiber material for tick repellency. In this research, acetone, chosen for its low toxicity and compatibility with natural acaricides, is utilized in a single-solvent system to produce nanofibers with long-lasting acaricidal properties. Successful electrospinning of acetone-based systems has been limited to needle electrospinning. Here, we present a method employing needleless electrospinning to fabricate ZnO nanoparticle-loaded PLA nanofibers by using pike-type electrode. The PLA-ZnO solutions were characterized by density, conductivity, viscosity, and other parameters, while the resulting fiber mats underwent analysis via FTIR, SEM, and evaluation of thermal conductivity. Optimization of spinning parameters including critical voltage, collector distance, and environmental factors such as temperature and humidity was conducted. Our study demonstrates the creation of PLA-ZnO fibers in a single solvent system through needleless electrospinning. Obtained membranes contain 1-3 wt% ZnO within an 8-10 wt% PLA matrix solution and exhibit heightened electrical conductivity. This advancement underscores the potential of ZnO in tick-repellent materials and strategies against tick-borne diseases.

Atslēgas vārdi
electrospinning, single-solvent, ZnO nanoparticles, ticks, repellent

Rampāne, L., Zelča, Z., Salmi, C. Polylactic Acid/Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Fibrous Material By Needleless One Solvent Electrospinning For Protection Against Tick-Borne Diseases. No: SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference, EXPO Proceedings - 2024, Bulgārija, Albena, 29. jūn.-8. jūl.., 2024. Albena: SGEM WORLD SCIENCE (SWS) Scholarly Society, 2024, 69.-76.lpp. ISBN 978-619-7603-74-3. ISSN 1314-2704. Pieejams: doi:10.5593/sgem2024/6.1/s24.12

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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