Self-Plagiarism in PhD Student’s Thesis
Tatjana Odiņeca, Ilze Birzniece

Building Honor in Academics: Case Studies in Academic Integrity is a collection of case studies on academic integrity from around the globe. More than case studies, the book is intended to help administrators, faculty, and students start conversations around the topic of cheating and academic integrity, and what to do when they find themselves faced with it firsthand. The case studies will come from honor code administrators, department leaders, faculty, and students across disciplines.

Atslēgas vārdi
Academic integrity; ethics

Odiņeca, T., Birzniece, I. Self-Plagiarism in PhD Student’s Thesis. No: Building Honor in Academics: Case Studies in Academic Integrity. V.Denney, C.Roberts red. New Jersey: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2023. 178.-181.lpp. ISBN 1119880548.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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