Equivalent Stress Concept to Account for the Effect of Local Cyclic Stress Ratio on Transverse Cracking in Tension–Tension Fatigue
International Journal of Fatigue 2024
Vivek Richards Pakkam Gabriel, Mohamed Sahbi Lukil, Patrik Fernberg, Jānis Vārna

Presented test results on transverse cracking in cross-ply laminates upon tension–tension cyclic loading show that the increase of crack density depends not only on the maximum transverse stress in the cycle but also on the local cyclic stress ratio RTloc in the analyzed layer. To include the effect of the RTloc in the model with statistical failure stress distribution for crack initiation (based on Weibull distribution) adapted for fatigue, an equivalent stress is introduced in a similar manner as the equivalent strain energy release rate has been used for delamination crack propagation. The equivalent stress in the layer is defined as a power function of the maximum stress and the stress ratio in the layer. It was found, testing laminates with two different fiber contents that higher the local stress ratio in 90-layer, higher the transverse cracking resistance. Transverse crack density simulation using the developed equivalent stress model has been validated against test results.

Atslēgas vārdi
Fatigue | Polymer-matrix composites | Statistical methods | Transverse cracking

Pakkam Gabriel, V., Lukil, M., Fernberg, P., Vārna, J. Equivalent Stress Concept to Account for the Effect of Local Cyclic Stress Ratio on Transverse Cracking in Tension–Tension Fatigue. International Journal of Fatigue, 2024, Vol. 187, Article number 108482. ISSN 0142-1123. Pieejams: doi:10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2024.108482

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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