Magnetic Field Influence on Corrosion, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of SiC and Al2O3 Samples in Flowing PbLi Alloy
13th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD": Proceedings
Artūrs Brēķis,
Maria Gonzalez,
Ivars Krastiņš,
Oskars Mikanovskis,
Kalvis Kravalis,
Alberts Romančuks,
Ernests Platacis
Two candidate materials Al2O3 and SiC for the advanced Dual Coolant Lead lithium (DCLL) nuclear fusion blanket flow channel inserts (FCI’s) were submitted to a 500h compatibility test in the 550°C PbLi loop at Institute of Physics University of Latvia (IPUL), as part of a scientific collaboration with CIEMAT. The aim of this work was focused on understanding of the corrosion effects as well as changes in the electrical and mechanical properties of potential structural materials. To study magnetic field influence on corrosion process of SiC and Al2O3 as well as on its electrical and mechanical properties a specific PbLi loop (magnetic field up to 5T, operating temperature 550°C) for long term experiments has been constructed and fabricated at IPUL. Several different experimental sessions have been performed.
Atslēgas vārdi
DCLL blanket, Dual Coolant Lead Lithium, nuclear fusion, PbLi, strong magnetic field
Brēķis, A., Gonzalez, M., Krastiņš, I., Mikanovskis, O., Kravalis, K., Romančuks, A., Platacis, E. Magnetic Field Influence on Corrosion, Electrical and Mechanical Properties of SiC and Al2O3 Samples in Flowing PbLi Alloy. No: 13th PAMIR International Conference "Fundamental and Applied MHD": Proceedings, Francija, Carry-le-Rouet, 16.-19. septembris, 2024. CEA Cadarache: Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, 2024, 246.-250.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)