Multipolar Double Fed Induction Wind Generator with a Single Phase Secondary Winding
13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008): Abstracts
Nikolajs Levins,
Vladislavs Pugačevs,
Leonīds Ribickis,
Guntis Diļevs
The project concerns the practical applications of multipolar induction machines as generators for small and medium wind turbines. Such a multipolar generator should be built in a way that the primary and secondary windings are placed on the stator, and the rotor is tooth-like without windings, with each tooth equivalent to one pole pair. The most reliable design is that with a single-phase secondary winding, which provides efficient control of the generator.
Atslēgas vārdi
double fed, induction generator, multipolar
Levins, N., Pugačevs, V., Ribickis, L., Diļevs, G. Multipolar Double Fed Induction Wind Generator with a Single Phase Secondary Winding. No: 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE-PEMC 2008): Abstracts, Polija, Poznań, 1.-3. septembris, 2008. Poznań: Ptetis Publishers, 2008, 70.-70.lpp. ISBN 9788392134060.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)