Статистика. Комп’ютерне статистичне моделювання
Vladimir Jasinskii, Jevgeņijs Carkovs

The textbook contains a detailed disclosure of the basic statements of the theory mathematical statistics following by illustration of results by exercises and examples. Each section consists of not only theoretical material but also of exercises for an obligatory execution. The volume contains the theory and computer design. The textbook is focused on the undergraduate and post-graduate students of natural specialties of Ukrainian classical and technical universities.

Atslēgas vārdi
Statistical computer simulation

Jasinskii, V., Carkovs, J. Статистика. Комп’ютерне статистичне моделювання. Kiev: Zoloti litavri, 2008. 763 lpp.

Publikācijas valoda
Ukrainian (uk)
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