Usage Algorithm of AI Methods in Control of Railway Passengers Coach Environment Parameters
EURO-Žel 2009: 17th International Symposium "Increasing the Competitiveness of the European Rail System"
Ivars Beinarts,
Anatolijs Ļevčenkovs
The main idea of this paper is to use methods of AI (artificial intellect) to create an algorithm and coordination mechanism for climate parameters control in the railway passengers’ coach to save an electrical energy and keep a high comfort level in the object. The article presents mathematical problem using intelligent control of HVAC systems for climate parameters optimal control. The methods of the problem solving and the structure of problem solving algorithm are given in the article. The elaborated control system model can be used for sustaining a microclimate in the different facilities, buildings and public electric transport. There are main conclusions at the end of the article.
Atslēgas vārdi
heating system control, artificialintelect, self organizing map, fuzzy logic, radio frequency identification
Beinarts, I., Ļevčenkovs, A. Usage Algorithm of AI Methods in Control of Railway Passengers Coach Environment Parameters. No: EURO-Žel 2009: 17th International Symposium "Increasing the Competitiveness of the European Rail System", Slovākija, Žilina, 3.-4. jūnijs, 2009. Žilina: EDIS Žilina, 2009, 7.-14.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)