The main idea of this research is to use fuzzy logic controller and intelligent agents to create an algorithm and coordination mechanism for MCDM tasks of climate parameters control system to save electrical energy and keep high comfort level in the object. Interest is concentrated on the climate parameters optimization in passengers’ interior of railway coach. The article presents mathematical problem using fuzzy logic controller in mechatronic system for climate parameters optimal control. The methods of the problem solving and structure of problem solving algorithm are given in the article. A special interest for investigations and further development is devoted to intelligent heating, ventilation and air condition systems (HVAC) allowing more flexible regulation of the system’s compressor, fan and heater operation, and, therefore, improvement of efficiency and energy saving. In the paper there is described elaborated control system computer model with fuzzy logic controller support. The model was created using Matlab computer program. The provided results prove that the use of fuzzy logic in MCDM tasks with application of the proposed algorithms can be useful for solving HVAC technology control problems in the public electric transport. Usage of the created models and algorithms in the climate parameters control system in the passengers’ interior will raise possibility to increase efficiency of electro energy usage, so exploitation costs of transport will reduce as well as passengers’ comfort level will be increased. The elaborated system model can be used for sustaining microclimate in different facilities, public electric transport vehicles and buildings.