In this paper the solution of task of optimal control of climate parameters in passengers’ interior of public electric transport is proposed. Optimization of mechatronic system control is provided by criteria of minimization of electric en-ergy consumption and passengers’ comfort level maximization. It is proposed to solve this task using artificial intelligence and progressive multiple criteria deci-sion making methods. Popular Nelder-Mead multiple criteria decision making method is applied. This method gives possibility to find a minimal value of target function. In this case it is a dependence of minimal electric energy consumption on maximal comfort level. Modelling and investigation is based on a typical archi-tecture of heating ventilation and air conditioning system with a traditional appli-cation of AC induction motors for driving both a compressor and a fan of the con-ditioner. Special interest for investigations and further development is devoted to intelligent heating systems allowing more flexible regulation of the system’s com-pressor and fan operation, and, therefore, improvement of efficiency and energy saving.