Motion of Two Degree of Freedom Vibrator with Air Flow Excitation
Динамика виброударных (сильно нелинейных) систем "DYVIS-2009": сборник трудов XVI симпозиума 2009
Lauris Štāls, Māris Eiduks, Jānis Vība, Edgars Kovals

In the daily life and techniques people all time have interaction with continue media like air or water. In report motion of vibrator with constant air or water flow excitation is observed.

Atslēgas vārdi
motion control, air, water wxcitation, optimal control, adaptive control, synthesis adaptive systems, energy utilization

Štāls, L., Eiduks, M., Vība, J., Kovals, E. Motion of Two Degree of Freedom Vibrator with Air Flow Excitation. No: Динамика виброударных (сильно нелинейных) систем "DYVIS-2009": сборник трудов XVI симпозиума, Krievija, Москва; Звенигород, 26.-29. maijs, 2009. Москва; Звенигород: РАН, 2009, 453.-459.lpp. ISBN 978-5-904282-01-1.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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