Analysis of Long-Term Plan for Energy Supply System for Latvia that is 100% Based on the Use of Local Energy Resources
Jekaterina Rusanova, Gatis Bažbauers

The prices of fossil energy resources are expected to rise substantially in the future, therefore fossil energy resources might not be a feasible energy source for Latvia in the long term. The establishment of a fully self-sufficient energy supply system will require a significant transformation of the existing energy supply and transport infrastructure. Early planning of such a system makes it possible to shape development of the existing energy system in order to achieve that goal of a fully self-sufficient energy supply system. The paper shows a potential solution to establish an energy and transport system solely based on the domestic primary resources by the year 2050

Atslēgas vārdi
energy supply system, energy security, flexible electric transport, renewable energy sources (RES).

Rusanova, J., Bažbauers, G. Analysis of Long-Term Plan for Energy Supply System for Latvia that is 100% Based on the Use of Local Energy Resources. Environmental and Climate Technologies. Nr.4, 2010, 82.-90.lpp. ISSN 1691-5208.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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