Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Gints Jaudzems


(24301) Ūdens inženierijas un tehnoloģijas katedra

Scientific Degree:


Field of research:

2. Engineering and technology

Sub-field of research:

2.7 Environmental engineering and energetics

Research interests:



ORCID: orcid-logo 0000-0001-6612-9630
21 items found, displaying 11 to 20.
Multiple Flood as the Cause of Failure of Engineering Structures in River Flows
Gints Jaudzems, Jeļena Govša, Boriss Gjunsburgs
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Wastewater Treatment Plant Hydraulic Performance Improvement
Romāns Neilands, Boriss Gjunsburgs, Gints Jaudzems
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Flood Duration and Hydrograph Shape Impact on Scour near Hydraulic Structures
Boriss Gjunsburgs, Gints Jaudzems, Jeļena Govša
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Influence of the Flow and Bed Parameters on the Scour at Bridge Structures
Boriss Gjunsburgs, Gints Jaudzems, Jeļena Govša
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Assessment of Flood Damage Risk for Abutments in River Floodplains
Boriss Gjunsburgs, Gints Jaudzems, Jeļena Govša
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings

3 items found, displaying 1 to 3.
Development of Training Network for Improving Education in Energy Saving
Nadežda Kuņicina
Siltuma, gāzes un ūdens tehnoloģijas institūts (34-24300-N7045.2)
Egīls Dzelzītis
Ūdens inženierijas un tehnoloģijas katedra (34-24301-RSFF.ŪITK)
Boriss Gjunsburgs