Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Igors Kurjanovičs

Field of research:

2. Engineering and technology

Sub-field of research:

2.1. Construction and transportation engineering

Research interests:



17 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Diesel Engine Common Rail Injector Acoustic Emission Pattern Obtaining
Igors Kurjanovičs, Jurijs Feščuks, Mukharbiy Banov
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
The Method of Starting Air System Calculation
Rihards Indriksons, Jānis Kokars, Igors Kurjanovičs
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Nanostructured Intermetal-Ceramic Coatings for Blades of Gas Turbine Engines
Aleksandrs Urbahs, Konstantins Savkovs, Margarita Urbaha, Igors Kurjanovičs
Article in a collection of scientific publications or a chapter in a monograph indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
The Method of Starting Air System Rough Calculation
Rihards Indriksons, Jānis Kokars, Igors Kurjanovičs
Publication (reviewed) in journals with editorial board published in Latvia or abroad, including institutional juornals
The Analytical Calculation of Engine Crankshaft Motion during Starting
Rihards Indriksons, Jānis Kokars, Igors Kurjanovičs
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Analytic Research of Launching a Free-fall Lifeboat
Rihards Indriksons, Jūris Cimanskis, Igors Kurjanovičs
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings

4 items found, displaying 1 to 4.
Aeronautikas tehnoloģiju katedra (14-25101-01)
Aleksandrs Urbahs
Daudzfunkcionālo nanopārklājumu izveide aviācijas un kosmosa tehnikas konstruktīvo elementu aizsardzībai
Aleksandrs Urbahs
Industriālās tehnoloģijas prototipa izstrāde daudzkomponentu nanostrukturētu jonu-plazmas nodilumizturīgu pārklājumu iegūšanai
Jānis Rudzītis
Titāna savienojumu nodilumizturīgi nanopārklājumi mašīnbūvē
Jānis Rudzītis