Porous Ceramics from Al2O3 Nanopowders
Materials Science and Applied Chemistry 2019: Riga Technical University 60th International Scientific Conference: Programme and Abstract Book
Ilmārs Zālīte,
Līga Orlova,
Santa Lagzdiņa,
Dzintra Ārija Rašmane
Porous Al2O3 ceramics were sintered by using plasma-chemical synthesized powders with specific surface area values of 30 and 50 m2/g. The sintering was carried out under various conditions: in nitrogen atmosphere, - air or vacuum in the temperature range of 1200 – 1700 °C. The most suitable sintering conditions to obtain porous ceramics are sintering in air in the temperature range of 1200-1500 °C using Al2O3 nanopowder with a specific surface area of 50 m2/g. Samples with open porosity of 35-45% and average pore size range of 110-180 nm were obtained under these conditions.
Porous ceramics, Al2O3 nanopowder, sintering, properties
Zālīte, I., Grase, L., Lagzdiņa, S., Rašmane, D. Porous Ceramics from Al2O3 Nanopowders. In: Materials Science and Applied Chemistry 2019: Riga Technical University 60th International Scientific Conference: Programme and Abstract Book, Latvia, Riga, 24-24 October, 2019. Riga: RTU Press, 2019, pp.54-54.
Publication language
English (en)