Synthesis and Studies of Dendronized Nonlinear Optical Azochromophores
Lauma Laipniece
18.05.2023. 14:00,
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Materiālzinātnes un lietišķās ķīmijas fakultātē, Paula Valdena ielā 3 272. auditorijā
Valdis Kampars,
Valdis Kokars
Māris Turks,
Aivars Vembris,
Aiva Plotniece
The Thesis demonstrates the synthesis of new azochromophore derivatives using dendrons with bulky aromatic and/or perfluoroaromatic fragments for application in organic nonlinear optical materials. The mutual interaction of fragments and their influence on the thermal, optical and nonlinear optical properties of azochromophores was investigated. It has been observed that the fragments and functional groups included in the azochromophore molecule are able to provide suitable thermal properties. Polyazochromophoric derivatives have the highest nonlinear optical coefficients and the highest thermal stability.
Azobenzols, dendrimērs, nelineāri optiskās īpašības, aromātisko un perfluoraromātisko fragmentu mijiedarbība
Laipniece, Lauma. Synthesis and Studies of Dendronized Nonlinear Optical Azochromophores. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2023. 140 p.
Publication language
Latvian (lv)