Energetic Profile of Annulated Azidopyrimidines and Their Reactions with Nucleophiles
Kristaps Valkovskis

04.06.2024. 14:00, 272. auditorija, Paula Valdena 3, Rīga

Irina Novosjolova, Māris Turks

Mārtiņš Katkevičs, Sigitas Tumkevičius, José I. Borrell Bilbao

The doctoral Thesis is prepared as a set of thematically unified scientific publications, which summarizes research on the use of the azido group in synthetic methodology – for inducing regioselectivity and reactivity in annelated pyrimidines and in materials science, specifically the development of new primary explosives. The Thesis examines pyrido[2,3 d]pyrimidines and pyrido[3,2 d]pyrimidines as a new type of structures, which has been investigated for reactivity; purines, for which a new type of ring-opening reaction has been discovered; pyrimidopyrimidine based on the designed binary energetic compound C6N16 and annelated diazidopyrimidines for which energetic profile was determined.

Pirimidīns, azīds, tetrazols

Leškovskis, Kristaps. Energetic Profile of Annulated Azidopyrimidines and Their Reactions with Nucleophiles. PhD Thesis. Rīga: [RTU], 2024. 83 p.

Publication language
Latvian (lv)
The Scientific Library of the Riga Technical University.
E-mail: uzzinas@rtu.lv; Phone: +371 28399196