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Scientific Journals of RTU
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 26, No. 1
Computer Science / Datorzinātne
Vol. 26, No. 1
15 items found, displaying 1 to 15.
Agent-Based Systems, Their Architecture and Technologies from Logistics Perspective
Vita Šakele
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Two Hemisphere Model Driven Architecture for Knowledge Map Development in the Task of Study Program Analysis
Oksana Ņikiforova
Mārīte Kirikova
Uldis Sukovskis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Higher Education in Computer Science and Information Technology: Formalities and Reality
Dace Znotiņa
Mārīte Kirikova
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Comparative Analysis of Visualization Aspects in Technologies Direct3D and OpenGL = Vizualizācijas aspektu salīdzinošā analīze tehnoloģijās DirectSD un OpenGL
Vitālijs Zabiniako
Pāvels Rusakovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Data Archive Implementation Algorithms Analysis and Elaboration for Operating System with Limited Resources = Arhivatoru saspiešanas algoritmu pētīšana un realizēšana operētājsistēmā ar ierobežotiem resursiem
Jurijs Grigorjevs
Eleonora Latiševa
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Computer-Based Knowledge Control Strategies
Natālija Prokofjeva
Publications in RTU scientific journal
E-signature: Introduction Problems and Decisions
Deniss Kalāns
Eleonora Latiševa
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Essential Requirements for Composition of Pattern System = Šablonu sistēmas izveidošanas pamatprasības
Dmitrijs Buzdins
Oksana Ņikiforova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Formal Development of PIM in the Framework of MDA: Myth or Reality = No platformas neatkarīga modeļa izstrāde MDA ietvarā: mīts vai realitāte
Oksana Ņikiforova
Marina Kuzmina
Nataļja Pavlova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Formal Specification Languages and Category Theory within the Framework of MDA = Formālās specificēšanas valodas un kategoriju teorija MDA kontekstā
Gundars Alksnis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Heuristics in Multiple Nonlinear Regression Analysis = Heiristikas daudzfaktoru nelineārās regresijas analīzē
Gints Jēkabsons
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Intelligent System for Student Knowledge Assessment
Alla Anohina-Naumeca
Ginta Majore
Dmitrijs Pozdņakovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Improvement of the Programme "Computer Systems" with the Support of European Social Fund in Latvia
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Jurijs Lavendels
Vjačeslavs Šitikovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Models of Set Partitions in Computing Algorithms = Kopu sadalīšanas modeļi skaitļošanas algoritmos
Genādijs Burovs
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Review on Allocation of Roles and Responsibilities among Software Development Team = Lomu un tās pienākumu sadalījuma starp programmatūras izstrādes komandu apskats
Vladimirs Nikulšins
Oksana Ņikiforova
Publications in RTU scientific journal
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