Planning “Logistics Information Systems” Course Content and Its Promotion through Baltic Regional Competence Network
Recent Advances in Applied & Biomedical Informatics and Computational Engineering in Systems Applications
Andrejs Romānovs,
Oksana Kuzņecova,
Jurijs Merkurjevs,
Leonīds Novickis
The paper is focused on modeling of content of the course “Logistics information system” according to the cognitive domain of Bloom’s taxonomy model. Authors introduce their empirical study on improving the course content to achieve better education quality in accordance with overall trends of harmonization of the higher education system. The benefits of ShowRoom developed within Baltic regional competence network are described in the paper considering Showrooms as a course module aimed at improving students’ competences and highlighting the actuality of technology transfer. The paper could be considered as the experience sharing with colleagues developing curricula in Logistics and Information Technology.
Atslēgas vārdi
logistics information systems, course content, modeling, simulation, Bloom’s taxonomy, Showroom, technology transfer
Romānovs, A., Soško, O., Merkurjevs, J., Novickis, L. Planning “Logistics Information Systems” Course Content and Its Promotion through Baltic Regional Competence Network. No: Recent Advances in Applied & Biomedical Informatics and Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, Itālija, Florence , 23.-25. augusts, 2011. Florence, Italy: WSEAS Press, 2011, 77.-82.lpp. ISBN 978-1-61804-028-2.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)