Liquid Metals Related to Neutron Spallation Sources
Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD
Ernests Platacis,
Kalvis Kravalis,
Oļģerts Lielausis,
Linards Goldšteins,
Anatolijs Ziks
The construction of the ESS (EUROPEAN Spallation Source) slow neutron source for
materials science is a key element in European efforts to further develop its world-leading
large scale research infrastructures suite [1]. Today two MW-class spalation sources have
already been built and operational, one in the USA in OAK Ridge and other in Japan at Tokai
(Power- 1MW)
The planned 5 MW pulsed target for the ESS facility shown in figure 1. has to take 3MW
thermal load. This could be handled more easily if the heavy target material acts in a second
function also as coolant by itself.
Atslēgas vārdi
spallation source, cooling, liquid metal
Platacis, E., Kravalis, K., Lielausis, O., Goldšteins, L., Ziks, A. Liquid Metals Related to Neutron Spallation Sources. No: Proceedings of the 8th International PAMIR Conference on Fundamental and Applied MHD, Francija, Borgo, 5.-9. septembris, 2011. Borgo: IPUL, 2011, 623.-628.lpp.
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English (en)