Unlike-Pole Inductor Generator with Electrically Integrated Armature and Excitation Windings for the Power Supply System of Passenger Cars
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
Nikolajs Levins,
Edmunds Kamoliņš,
Vladislavs Pugačevs
Substantial improvement of the undercar inductor generator used for supplying power to passenger cars is achievable through increasing its specific power, reliability, reparability, and decreasing the cost of its manu-facturing. It is proposed to integrate electrically the armature and excitation windings of the generator thus considerably simplifying its design while reducing its mass and consumption of non-ferrous metals. To gain these advantages a test prototypal generator was made and bench-tested. The results of tests show that a 1.5-fold mass reduction is achievable along with good technical-economic indices of the generator.
Atslēgas vārdi
generator, contactless, safety, specific power, repara¬bility, manufacturability
Levins, N., Kamoliņš, E., Pugačevs, V. Unlike-Pole Inductor Generator with Electrically Integrated Armature and Excitation Windings for the Power Supply System of Passenger Cars. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2013, Vol.50, Iss.3, 12.-23.lpp. ISSN 0868-8257.
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English (en)